PLI/RPLI incentive
For EA,WLA,CWLA,children policy if the premium paying term
- less than 15 years - 4% of first year premium
- 15 to 25 years - 10% of first year premium
- more than 25 years - 20% of first year premium
For AEA policy if the premium paying term
- less than 15 years - 5% of first year premium
- more than 15 years - 7% of first year premium(Directorate no.28-06/2014-L1 dated 03.05.2017)
Aadhaar Transactions
Aadhar - For operator the incentive will be Rs.10 per enrollment & Rs.5 per updation (Directorate no.36-15/2017-BD(Pt.V) dtd 6.9.2019)
MyStamp Printing
My stamp- 10% of sale value of my stamp sheet will be awarded as incentive (Directorate No 17-5/2013-phit dtd 21.02.14)
PM Insurance Schemes & IPPB
- PMSBY - Rs.0.50 for staff involved in enrollment, Counter PA - Rs.0.10, Supervisor - Rs.0.05
- PMJJBY - Rs.20 for staff involved in enrollment, Counter PA - Rs.3 Supervisor - Rs.1.50
- APY - Rs.25 for staff involved in enrollment, Counter PA - Rs.6 Supervisor - Rs.6
- IPPB - Incentive for opening saving accounts - Rs.7, Incentive for opening current accounts - Rs.45 (Directorate no F. No.1-3/2017-PBI (pt) dated 07.02.2019)
Others Incentive
- Rs.0.50/article will be paid for Postal Assistant to book Speed post article (Directorate no.57-01/2005 BD&MD dated 17.06.2012)
- Rs.0.50 per speed post article will be paid to delivery staff (Directorate no.57-01/2005 BD&MD dated 17.06.2012)
- Incentive of Rs.25/IMTS (eg. western union)transaction is given for employee .But refreshment charges could not be claimed.. Directorate no.95-28/2012-FS dtd 24.12.2014.
How can we get incentive on booking of articles as a PA