Tuesday, April 23, 2024

When PA Become warrant officer many changes in pay and Society level

 Pay and Allowances   deputation to APS 

(a) Option to draw Army Rate of Pay in Pay band level-5 for PAs/SAs with Military Service Pay (MSP) of Rs 5200/-as per 7th CPC.


Civil rate of pay plus 15% Field Allowance on Basic Pay as per 7th CPC.

(b) Special Compensatory Allowances while serving in Field/Modified Field and Concessional Areas as admissible to Regular Army personnel areas under:-

Facilities Available For Postal Assistant who are on deputation to APS

(c) Composite Personal Maintenance Allowance Rs 180/- per month.

(d) Acting Allowance to JCOs who are employed in place of Officers against clear vacancy. Present rate is Rs1200/- pm.

(e) Ration Money Allowance while serving in peace station. Present rate of Ration Money Allowance is Rs 117.29 per day.

(f) Free boarding and lodging for those officials who are living single.

(g) JCOs/WOs/OR will get one time Dress Allowance of Rs10000/- per year.

(h) One time Mufti Clothing Allowance of Rs 600/- while undergoing training at APS Centre.

(j) Accommodation Allowance (HRA) (A1City) for married personnel who have not been provided with Govt married accommodation get the HRA as per 7th CPC.

(k) Accommodation Allowance (Outliving CILQ) for married personnel who are staying single at the duty station and their family staying in other towns will get outliving CILQ as per 7th CPC.

(l) WOs get one time Outfit Allowance of Rs 1500/- on promotion to JCOs.

Equivalent Rank Structure in Army Postal Service at the time of induction:- 

  •  PA/SA     - Warrant Officer

Age limit and medical category for deputation to APS

The officials below 40 years of age and in the medical category of SHAPE-1 are eligible to join APS 

Special status of Warrant Officers in APS 

(a) Warrant Officers are treated at par with JCOs for accommodation, messing and travel entitlements through specific Government orders.

(b) Parchment Warrant is being issued by the President of India.

Leave in APS

(a) 56 days Annual Leave at home plus journey period subject to maximum of 60 days Annual Leave per year.

(b) 30 days Casual Leave per year.

(c) Sick Leave on recommendation of medical authorities over and above the Leave mentioned above.

(d) Civil Leave account will be frozen during the period of deputation in APS. However, Leave accumulated at APS plus balance Civil EL will be encashed subject to maximum of 300 days at the time of retirement.

(e) 10 days Leave encashment alongwith LTC per year is also available in APS over and above 300 days Leave accumulation. Maximum Leave encashment is 60 days.

Travel Concessions 

(a) Free conveyance (LTC) every year for self & dependent family members to visit home town from duty station in the following entitled class:-

(i) Sepoy/Naik - AC-III-Tier

(ii) JCOs/WOs - AC-II-Tier

(b) One additional free conveyance (LTC) in a year for self to visit hometown/Selected Place of Residence (SPR) from field duty station if not stayed with family.

(c) Unlimited 50% concession voucher to visit anywhere in India from either duty station or home town for self and family members in entitled class.

(d) Free conveyance to the dependent family members to join head of family (self) at duty station first time & also on subsequent postings.


(a) Free single accommodation for individuals at duty station.

(b) Free furnished accommodation with free conservancy and water & electricity (100 units) at family stations for married personnel who are staying at Government married accommodation.

(c) P & T accommodation can be retained/allotted while on deputation to APS.

(d) When no married accommodation is available, the individuals can keep their family at Selected Place of Residence (SPR)/home town and claim CILQ as applicable. Families can be shifted to separated family accommodation (SF Accn) which are available in peace stations.

(e) Free conveyance of personal effects while on postings with maximum limits as per 7th CPC:-

(i) Level-6 and above - 6000 Kgs

(ii) Level-5 - 3000 Kgs

(iii) Level-4 - 1500 Kgs

Army Group Insurance Cover (In addition to CGEGIS)

(a) Rs 37.50 lakhs insurance coverage for JCOs/WOs/NKs/Sepoys from Army Group Insurance (AGI) on payment of monthly premium of Rs 2525/-

(b) Advances for purchase of Computer and Two wheeler from AGI Fund.

(c) Maximum 90% balance at credit can be drawn from AGI Fund for higher education/ marriage of children.

(d) Amount accumulated in AGI Savings Fund will be refunded to the Officials on their repatriation to Dept of Posts.

Canteen Facilities  

(a) All types of Fast Moving Consumer Goods(FMCG) on concessional Rates.

(b) Two/Four wheelers on concessional rates

(c) Electronic items on concessional rates

(d) Liquor on concessional rates as per entitlement

(e) After repatriation, Canteen facility with liquor is available if the official served in APS for 5 years and more.

Medical facilities  

Free medical treatment for self & dependent family members in renowned Army/Air Force/Navy Hospitals available throughout India.

Education & Scholarships

(a) Admission of children in Army Public school, KV and other pvt school in the Military station.

(b) Admission of children in the following Professional Colleges for JCOs/OR who have completed 10 years of service in Army:-

Facilities Available For Postal Assistant who are on deputation to APS

(a) Children will get reservation for getting admission in professional colleges under State Govt.

(b) Scholarships are available for children of personnel from APS Corps Regimental Fund and from Army (ESSA).

Other facilities/concessions

(a) Grant to wives for enhancement of their academic qualification.

(b) Grant to personnel for enhancement of their academic qualification while serving in APS.

(c) Talented sports personnel can participate in Army teams at various levels.

(d) Eligible for applying to dwelling units from Army Housing Welfare Organisation (AWHO) after completing 10 years & more service in APS

(e) The officials on deputation to APS shall be granted grace marks in IP examination @ 1% of marks obtained for each completed year of deputation in APS, as on date of examination, subject to maximum of 10% grace marks.

(f) JCOs can be promoted to Officer Cadre on recommendation of SSB (Services Selection Board) within 45 years of age and within 3 SSB chances while serving in APS.

(g) Officials will get choice posting in Dept of Posts on repatriation.

Foreign posting

 Officials may get posting to Foreign Assignment. Around 30 personnel are being sent to FPOs of UN Missions & HQ IMTRAT/Project Dantak (Bhutan) every year.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Post office special scheme-Mahila Samman Savings Certificate, 2023

 The Ministry of Finance (DEA) has issued notification G.S.R. 237(E) dated 31.03.2023 in connection with introduction of new scheme ‘Mahila Samman Savings Certificate, 2023”.

Salient features

(a) Who can open:-

(i) By a woman for herself.

(ii) By the guardian on behalf of a minor girl.



 (a) Type of Account

(i) Account under this scheme can be opened for an individual girl or woman in whose name the account is held.

(ii) On an application to the post office in prescribed form, a Single Holder Type Account may be opened on or before 31.03.2025 by a woman for herself, or by the guardian on behalf of a minor girl.

(b) Deposit

(i) Minimum of rupees one thousand and in multiple of rupees one hundred.

(ii) Maximum limit of rupees two lakhs in an account or all account hold by

an account holder.

(iii) A time gap of three months shall be maintained between the

existing account and the opening of other account.

(c) Interest

(i) Deposit shall eligible for 7.5 per cent interest per annum.

(ii) Interest will be compounded quarterly and credited in account and paid

at the time of closure of account.

(iii) Account opened or deposit made in-contravention of rules will be eligible

for interest @ PO Savings Account.

(c) Withdrawal

40% withdrawal of eligible balance can be taken after one year from the date

of account opening.

(d) Pre-mature closure

(i) On the death of the account holder

(ii) On extreme compassionate ground (i) Life threatening decease of account

holder (ii) death of the guardian on production of relevant documents.

Note:-Scheme interest will be paid on principal amount.

(iii) After six months of account opening without mentioning any reason.

Note:-Scheme interest less by 2 per cent will be paid e.g. 5.5%.

(e) Maturity

(i) After two years from the date opening eligible balance will be paid to the


(f) How to open account

(i) Submit Account Opening Form, KYC Document (Aadhaar and PAN card),

KYC form for new account holder, Pay-in-Slip alongwith deposit

amount/cheque at nearest post office.



Standard Operating Procedure for operation of Mahila Samman Savings Certificates, 2023 in Finacle

(1) This scheme will be available in all post offices across the country i.e. HO/SO/BO.

Note: - Post offices may accept Bank Cheque along with Account Opening Form/KYC documents on 01.04.2023 and send the cheque for clearance through CTS. After receipt of clearance post offices will open account on or after 03.04.2023.

(2) However, the process for necessary modification in RICT CBS application for Branch Post Offices may take time.

(3) So, in order to facilitate rural customers to open account under the ‘Mahila Samman Savings Certificates, 2023’ at the GDS Branch Post Offices, Account can be opened in Branch Post offices through cheque or withdrawal form (SB-7) as per the procedure prescribed vide SB Order No. 22/2020 and SB Order No. 32/2020.

(4) For opening of account, Account Opening Form, KYC form (for new customer) and KYC documents as prescribed in rule 5 and 6 of Government Savings Promotion General Rules, 2018 should be obtained.

(5) Bank Cheque received for opening of the account under the scheme shall be lodged in SOL ID+0382 as prescribed in SB Order No. 24/2021.

(6) For opening of account in Finacle the following procedure shall be followed: -



          Invoke menu CMISAOP à GO

          o Enter CIF ID à

          o Product Group à MSSC

          Scheme Code à MSSC à Go (F4)

          o Mode of Operation à select as applicable.

          o Deposit Amount à Enter amount of account opening

          o Nomination à Yes à Enter nominee details.

          o Transaction (Click on check box)

          Select Cash or Transfer (In case of Transfer enter PO Savings Account No or SOL ID+0382.

          o Click on Flow tab

          o Submit




(i) Note down the Account ID and Tran ID on Account Opening Form/SB-103.

(ii) Supervisor shall verify the account opening by using menu CMISAOPV.

(iii) After verification of account passbook should be printed in HPBP menu and handover to the account holder/guardian.

(iv) The details of transaction carried out for Mahila Samman Savings Certificate will be available in Long Book Detailed Report and Long Book Consolidation Report.

(v) For relevant voucher shall be transferred to SBCO branch alongwith other vouchers.

(7) For premature closure and maturity closure of Mahila Samman Savings Certificate in Finacle, procedure prescribed for MIS/TD closure shall be followed by using HCAACTD menu.

(8) Procedure for withdrawal from Mahila Samman Savings Certificate in Finacle will be issued shortly.



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